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Gallery: /dev/pic

By aD
Date: 23/02/2009

Whole disk encryption. Completely transparent to the end user!

noisy silence.png
By aD
Date: 17/03/2008

How about I stay quiet while prompting and notifying you?

You No Love Bunny.png
By aD
Date: 18/06/2007

Ahh, it reminds me of the You No Love Bunny days...

Would like to keep process.png
By aD
Date: 18/06/2007

Who did this translation anyway?

Remove a disc.png
By aD
Date: 18/06/2007

How do you remove a disc from a set?

Is rebooted.png
By aD
Date: 18/06/2007

In case you didn't know, your system is rebooted!

By aD
Date: 31/05/2007

Good old Intel and their crazy packing.

Damn Delivery Service.jpg
By aD
Date: 21/05/2007

See how many you can spot. I've counted ten so far...

By aD
Date: 18/05/2007

I may have made this one up. Whilst being paid.

By aD
Date: 18/05/2007

It shits! It's prime! It's the...

MS Hardware Competency answers.jpg
By aD
Date: 18/05/2007

Even an MVP should be able to get it.

By aD
Date: 18/05/2007

Core -1 Duo

By aD
Date: 18/05/2007

Screw certification!

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